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Coconut milk

Tempers hot dishes beautifully

It is not coconut ‘water’

Coconut milk is not, as some believe, the liquid from the inside of the coconut (which is in fact called coconut water) but the liquid extracted from coconut flesh. It is often used to temper the heat of dishes from Southern India, particularly Goa. Also used a great deal in oriental cooking such as Thai curries.

Coconut milk can be bought in cans from most supermarkets. Canned coconut milk will have a layer of coconut cream on top of a thinner liquid so make sure you shake the can up before use. Pour into another container if you’re not using the whole can. Be careful when cooking with coconut milk as it can curdle if heated too much.

Coconut milk spoils quickly. Use it within a few hours at room temperature, or refrigerate for no more than two days. It will freeze happily.


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